I originally created this blog so that I could comment on a friends, and that was going to be the only reason I had it. But while procrastinating on school work, I stumbled upon a few more blogs that I found incredibly distracting and interesting. Which brings me back to mine. This isn't my sort of thing, but who knows, I could learn to love it..and hey, it beats staring mindlessly at my computer (which totally has the cute snow white decal now :) yay etsy).I haven't decided what the purpose of this blog will be yet..most likely just random ramblings, songs, and pictures that I find. In fact I'll start now..
Current Song:
She's adorable and I love the daydreamy style video. Makes me want to be on a pirate ship...i suppose a sailboat would do too.
Current Awesome Picture:
I loves me some penguins...and epic picture taking.
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