Sunday, March 13, 2011

I think I'm back..

Alright so as I said a couple weeks ago I think I figured out why I'm such a bad blogger (aside from being a super procrastinator). I usually feel like I'm not being productive when I sit down to write a I don't and instead go watch TV or read about other peoples more interesting lives via their blogs. Clearly my judgement on what qualifies as productive isn't so great..

Another part of my problem is that I was trying to cover too many things- life, adventures, art, music, cool things etc. etc. So instead of giving myself too many choices to get ADD about, I just decided to focus mainly on art. I'll be blogging about awesome artists/their work, ideas I want to try, and art/craft how-to's that I've already done. Hopefully this will make me want to share my ideas more, and make me create more at home so that I have more to share. I even bought a little journal to write post ideas and art ideas in, we'll see if it works!

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